Power of prayer network
In these times of spiritual need, people are finding and increasing recourse to prayer – prayer for themselves, their family and the people around them.
Our mission to promote the establishment of prayer groups in response to Our Lady of Medjugorje’s call to “pray, pray, pray” is bearing fruit and Medjugorje prayer groups are starting up on a regular basis.
St Louis de Montfort wrote about the multiplying effect of praying the Rosary and we are confident that prayer petitions that are offered up in prayer groups benefit from that multiplying effect. So we have extended our mission of prayer by inviting other prayer groups to join us to create a “Power of Prayer Network”.
All petitions for prayer are collated and distributed throughout the network to be offered up at their weekly prayer meeting. In this way we trust that God’s grace will flow through many more channels united in prayer.
Group Locations
Submit your prayer
Private Petitions
Fill in the contact form below to send us a private petition. These prayer petitions are confidential and are printed and sealed in an envelope by each of the prayer group leaders. Every few months the petitions are respectfully gathered together and burned.
Send Private Prayer Petition